Get out of the targeted “Customer Satisfaction / NPS” survey
Initial Post Date : January 18, 2019
Regarding the design flow that utilizes the customer's voice (VOC)
Although Customer Satisfaction surveys and surveys from a customer perspective such as NPS * are conducted company-wide, there are many cases where they are not implemented at all in the business domain in-charge. In addition, there are cases where even if it has been implemented, there has been no concrete activity for improvement.
This time, I will take up these two cases and explain an approach to establish a PDCA cycle of improvement activities by removing targeted investigations.
* NPS (Net Promoter Score): An indicator for measuring customer loyalty. An indicator that has questions to be answered in 10 stages about the possibility of recommending products / services to acquaintances
Case 1 “No investigation”
In the case where the survey is not conducted in the business domain, we think that it is necessary to get a customer’s evaluation first, even only on a small scale. Because there is no basis / hypothesis to carry out any measures, it is difficult to get in-house consensus. Also, even if you were able to implement the measure, you will later wonder why you are doing this measure in the first place, which can be the cause of possible reworkings.
Starting with a small survey, and then (“too small”) does it really reflect customer feedback? “Are you the representative of the sample? “If there is something to be raised, recognizing the need for research, it can be said that PDCA improvement has begun to turn.It should be easier to get the budget for large scale implementation.
Case 2 “Study is conducted but activities for improvement have not been achieved”
Well, in this case, it is often the case that only surveys are conducted regularly, and no improvement activities have been conducted during that time. In some cases, it seems that there are many investigations and VOC collection activities running everywhere in the company and it is not clear what should be prioritized.
Such cases are further divided into (1) cases where the contact center administration department is not in-charge and (2) cases where they are in charge of investigation and VOC collection activities. I will explain how to work on each procedure.
[Step 1] Understand the survey design
First of all, let us look into the survey results and ask “who and what are you investigating?”and “how is it used in the company?”
[Step 2] Extract issues from survey results
We will identify the issues that can be seen from the survey results, and list the factors and solutions that can be led only by the contact center administration department.
[Step 3] Build an improvement cycle in collaboration with the main department of the survey.
Organize your thought factors and solutions (I think it is good to be qualitative at this point), present it to the department in-charge of the survey, and start the improvement cycle from a small but easy to improve point.
At this point, it will be possible to accelerate the implementation of deep drilling surveys and more structural improvement activities.
In the case when they are not tied to activities for improvement, some of the factors that we cannot explain to management and other departments are the “prioritization of the issues to be improved” and “how can the activities for improvement contribute to bigger earnings”.
Prioritization method
Whether it is the Customer Satisfaction survey or the NPS, the survey itself may be composed of the items that you want to hear the most (total satisfaction, continued use / purchase intention, intention to recommend others, etc.) and the sub-items that are considered to affect it. To what extent is the sub-item affecting the item you want to hear the most? Since it is possible to measure statistically, it is possible to prioritize items to be improved by implementing it.
ii) Contribution of activities for improvement to earnings
First of all, it is believed to be necessary to recognize that there is a time lag before customer satisfaction and improvement of NPS will have an impact on actual earnings. Considering the points of contact with customers and the frequency of contact, it may take months or years to be effective for the activity. Japan’s Customer Satisfaction Index (JCSI), which is said to be one of the largest in Japan, also has a five to six-year history since the survey results were released and the relationship between customer satisfaction index aging trends and earnings has finally been verified.
We would like to explain how does one re-examine the contribution to earnings in this recognition. This is a very simple way to check the behavior (use and purchase) of those with high / low satisfaction and NPS on an individual level. In order to verify customer data, it may be troublesome to ask other departments for cooperation, but it is possible to gradually form an internal consensus based on the “prioritization” logic described above.
Well, the case is divided into two major cases and explained the approach that makes use of the “Customer Satisfaction / NPS” survey as aimed.There should be no doubt that the contact center is rich in “Neta” (information) about specific activities for improvement. We would like to strongly promote the company-wide PDCA improvement led by a contact center.