Privacy Policy

TMJ (here in after referred to as “the Company”) handles and recognizes personal information protection as an important business issue, as our main businesses are contact centers and back offices which contain personal information such as those of the end users provided to the client company. As our Company complies with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information for all employees, we declare that all personal information including personal numbers (hereinafter referred to as “specific personal information, etc.”) received from our client companies or directly acquired by us will be properly handled.

1. Compliance with laws and regulations

We will comply with laws and regulations regarding the proper handling of personal information and specific personal information, national guidelines and other standard

2. Regarding the acquisition of personal information, specific personal information, etc.

Considering the business content and size, the Company shall obtain and clarify the purpose of acquiring personal information, specific personal information, etc. in advance, using legal and fair measures within the scope necessary to achieve the said purpose.

3. Regarding the use of personal information

The Company appropriately manages personal information it has acquired, limiting its uses and provisions to the agreed scope. Using it for other purposes and disclosing the information to third parties is not allowed. In addition, we will take measures to prevent unauthorized use of the said information. Personal information received from the client company upon business consignment will be used to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of the contract with the client company.

4. Regarding the use of specific personal information

We use specific personal information, etc. to the extent necessary for administrative work defined by law.

5. Regarding the use of specific personal information

We will not provide personal information acquired by our company to third parties in advance without obtaining the consent of the person, except if it is required by law. Furthermore, we will also not provide specific personal information, etc. to third parties excluding cases stipulated by law.

6. Regarding proper management of personal information, specific personal information, etc.

We will definitely prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage to personal information, specific personal information, etc., by implementing security measures to ensure that their accuracy and safety are maintained. In addition, if security incidents and/or requests from client companies and/or end users require improvement, we will promptly correct them and work to prevent them.

7. Regarding continuous improvement

Through internal audit and management review opportunities, we will continuously improve the personal information protection management system and always maintain it in the best condition.

8. Regarding inquiries

We will respond to inquiries including complaints and consultations regarding personal information and specific personal information at the following contact details.

Please note that we cannot respond if you visit the company directly.
Mail Inquiry


Risk Management & Compliance Section, General affairs Department, TMJ, Inc.

Thank you very much.

Established April 1, 2005
Revised April 1, 2024

TMJ Corporation
Sumitomo Fudosan Nishi-Shinjuku Building, 7-20-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
President and CEO Hideki Maruyama